How To Rename Recycle bin.
Have u ever tried to rename recycle bin,It’s a bit difficult if u are a new user to computer.Her is a way to rename recycle bin.Have u ever heard of registry editor(Those who r new users).It keeps the registry of many file’s if u know this well u can do many things urself what anyone even not ever think of !
Now get back to the topic.To change the name of recycle bin :
1) go to start->run.
2) Then type here regedit and hit enter and u will have the registry editor.
3) Navigate to the following registry branch:
4) On the right pane, click on LocalizedString.
5) Double click on LocalizedString or right click on LocalizedString and select Modify to modify the registry value.
6) You should see the default value of “@%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,-8964”.
7) Change it to whatever value u want but remember to have back up for it. what ever value u will give that will the name of recycle bin.In my case i have given the name Dustbin.
8)Press F5 to refresh it.Now refresh on desktop u get ur renamed recycle bin.
9) To change it back to recycle bin just copy this @%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,-8964 to that place and u have ur recycle bin(name) back.
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